About how far in advance should I book my session?
We tend of book about 3 months in advance. As soon as you know of a date that you have in mind, we recommend booking. If you are looking to book for a special occasion or holiday, it is especially important to book pretty far in advance to ensure you do not miss the cut off dates for holidays. Our products can take up to 4 weeks to arrive so you must also consider this time into your scheduling as well. This also allows for you to make any payments leading up to your session in a timely manner so you are not rushed to make a large payment all at once.
What is the cost to book my Boudoir Session?
We offer two Session options for you to choose from. An all inclusive session for the woman who wants it all that is $3000. And a customized session fee that starts at $299 and allows you to add on H&MU and digitals in order to create a session that best fits your needs. Our Collections start at $895.
When/Where do your sessions take place?
We currently offer session availability on Saturdays and Sundays starting at 10am. Our studio is located at 407 Blade Ave. Cincinnati, OH.
How long does a session typically last?
The Revel Boudoir Experience is 3 hours from start to finish. You’ll first arrive and begin with hair and makeup, then it’s time for your photo session, and quick rap up chat at the end before you’re on your way out.
When will I see my photos?
Please allow for 1-2 weeks for your images to be finished. You will receive an email from Lauren to schedule your Reveal and Ordering Appointment over a zoom call. During this meeting you will see a slideshow of your images, then depending on which session you have gone with, choose your favorites, and any products you’d like to showcase your images.
How many outfits can I bring with me?
Please bring up to 4 outfits with you to your session. We will look over all of your outfits and chat about what you like and possibly don’t like about them. You may also take a peek at our Client Closet and chose an outfit from there as well. From there we typically start with the most covered piece and begin your session.
Will you edit my images?
Your images are edited in a very simplistic way with a light skin smoothing applied as well. Any scars, stretch marks, moles, etc. will not be removed unless discussed prior. This session is all about reveling in the body you have now!
Can I bring a friend with me to my session?
While we love the support your friends show you, we ask that they sit this one out to allow you to fully focus on yourself during your session.